Simple, transparent pricing, free to get started & affordable as you scale
Ideal for teams just starting out
Ideal for established firms looking to scale
per user / monthIdeal for firms at scale with 100+ users
per user / monthRecruit CRM's free trial lets you experience & try all of our features.
Try for Free*No credit card required
50 candidates
50 contacts & companies
4 open jobs
Email templates
All features from website
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All data that goes into Recruit CRM is stored in world-class data centres managed by Amazon Web Services and encrypted using AES-256 bit encryption. This is the global industry standard for internet data security. We also regularly backup your data.
Yes, Recruit CRM is GDPR Compliant. We also give you tools to make your organisation GDPR Compliant. Click here to learn more about our GDPR policy. Click here to learn more about our GDPR policy.
You own all the data you put into Recruit CRM. We simply help you manage your data and business more efficiently. You can extract your data from Recruit CRM in minutes, anytime you wish.
Yes, you can cancel your subscription anytime you want. In addition, you can export your data out of Recruit CRM in just a few clicks. No strings attached.
You can immediately start a zero-commitment free trial or book an online demo with us
Try for FreeOur handy mobile apps let you get the data you need on the fly